Baby pic 1960
College pic
Tracking down a lead as Private Investigator
With Leonard Marshall of Giants and Jets Fame
On one of his favorite bikes...spent many summers riding
With his pit bull Spike (1983)
The Annual leap from the house roof into the family pool on the 4th of July
Plowing the neighborhood whenever it snowed
Wearing his winter wools
Trying to look like Clint Eastwood
In the Florida Keys
Another Margiotta tradition...hosing the driveway
Another holiday nap
College Dorm room Brown University
Summer concert 2000
Nice tan
College portrait 1977
Very comfortable at the grill
Karaoke anyone?
Halloween 1988
Enjoying the sea
Brown University 1978
Firefighters led by Lt. Charles Margiotta pulling the Concord to raise money for charity.
Mom's kitchen 2000
Testing the food at the barbecue
Conducting awards ceremony for basketball tournament
Halloween as Norman Bates mom from Psycho
Shucking clams on 4th of July
A barbecue beer